Citrix Virtual Desktops Licensing – Display/Release User/Device Licenses

License Server assigns the licenses automatically  using an algorithm, which allocates a user or device license depending on usage. After 90 days of inactivity, previously assigned user/device licenses are returned to the available pool. User/Device are allocated based on the most efficient way.

You can manually release these licenses using udadmin command.
– Login to the License Server
– From a command prompt on your Citrix Licensing server (assuming 64-bit) navigate to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Licensing\LS>
–  To see a list of currently allocated licenses run the command udadmin -list
– Run the below commands to release user/device licenses
To release user license
XenDesktop Enterprise license: udadmin -f XDT_ENT_UD -user username -delete
Example: udadmin -f XDT_ENT_UD -user ctxuser1 -delete
XenDesktop Platinum license: udadmin -f XDT_PLT_UD -user username -delete
Example: udadmin -f XDT_PLT_UD -user ctxuser1 -delete
To release device license
XenDesktop Enterprise license: udadmin -f XDT_ENT_UD -device devicename -delete
Example:udadmin -f XDT_ENT_UD -device LAPTOP1 -delete
XenDesktop Platinum license: udadmin -f XDT_PLT_UD -device devicename -delete
Example: udadmin -f XDT_PLT_UD -device LAPTOP1 -delete
-You can also release all the licenses together by running the batch scipt
 Run the following command to release all device licenses :
for /f “tokens=1,2” %i in (‘udadmin -list ^| find /i “_ud”‘) do @udadmin -f %j -device %i –deleteRun the following command to release all user licenses :
for /f “tokens=1,2” %i in (‘udadmin -list ^| find /i “_ud”‘) do @udadmin -f %j -user %i –delete

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